Monday, September 19, 2011

long night

this is the busiest  nite i had through for this semester. its hard enough to stay up late now, i am getting older i guess. 2 hours ago i went to shisha with my awesome besties. Nothing new , just a boring and tired nite. I want to go out watching movie, i want to watch hantu bonceng but my rumet had downloaded it. bahaha. I am sorry FINAS. Next time i go cinema ok!. This week all my old fren come and contact me, but i am too busy. sorry guys and girl. My facebook chat is full of my exstudent SKIL. Everytime, salam cigu,hai cigu, i just reply sorry cigu bzz. cause i really am. nest tym we chat k. Cant wait for october, a free month where the month of the awesomeness will rise. it will be legend... wait for the october to comes....dary. influence by barney stinson. pff. Hell yeah, im not attendidng Seminar BIG tomorrow . im so fuckin tired. and tomorrow gym day. i guess i go at night if im not busy. im not stress, just empty. everyday i feel the same. But is goodlah kan, good la sgt. i cant feel my leg now..its too cold in my room. well, its 5am.

Monday, September 12, 2011

the voice

tgok title tau sda aku maw update apa i am so into maroon 5 punya lagu,,like jagger feat christina aguilera.cari la kat utube..lagu tu memg superb. oya,,sbe aku macam besa la,,bilik gerakan n tido, x banyak gerak sangat but aku kena relieve klas 3 hari and last daya sekor2. hbis dah teka teki aku, next sbe aku bawak cop, so fun skit dlm kelas. nothin new in my life rambut lama, badan tmbah gmuk (raya kan), tinggi macam biasa. gf masi yg lama.oya. ni first raya aku sma dia. just badan aku makin penat sejak 2,3 hari ni. kurang exercise kot, yelah kat rumah exercise g freezer ambil makanan tu pun kira penat dah. this raya paling penat aku rasa sebab ada 2 hari open house. penat beb. my mum sma aku ja, tkejar2 g dapur , masak la serve la..huh/=.= but its ok asal mum hepi.hee..setiap raya mesti aku tpikir napala aku teda adik perempuan senang sikit kerja aku klu ada.haha . i need girl d rumah aku so senang kerja rumah ni malar aku. bahaha..ok latest pic aku.

ni la kerja aku masa akan datang.jeng3. ajar budak2. next pic dak sbe raya kat umah aku.!
from left. nazrul,aku,zul,mimi,fatin.and angela. tukang pic c sabtia. ip teknik,ipkent and ip tawau.

dear future fariq

dont u ever change urself to skema person.
live ur life to fullest
make ur fren as ur family
treat ur mom nicely
treat ur gf (iqa)even better
dont do drugs
play more game
play dota even more
pray harder
jan kuat marah
be a good teacher
thats all